Obližnja božanstva
Obližnja božanstva više ne znaju priče
Uz koje su se mogli obaviti
Dnevni i godišnji poslovi,
Zajedno s letinom,
Sakupiti preostale vidljive senke,
Pronaći izvor sve hladnije vode,
Zamesiti hleb i na hleb,
Rumen od uzbuđenja,
Staviti so iskušana između prstiju,
U šumi otkriti gnezdo,
U reci pastrmku,
S mesecom povezati plima,
Sa stopalom oseka,
A onda i žlezde s drugim žlezdama.
Obližnja božanstva više ne znaju priče.
Nearby Deities
Nearby deities no longer know stories
That could help us do
Daily and annual jobs,
Harvest the crops,
Gather the remaining visible shadows,
Find the source of ever colder water,
Make bread and on the bread
Purple from excitement,
Put salt tried between fingers,
Discover the nest in the forest,
Trout in the river,
Connect the moon with the high tide,
And the foot with low tide,
Then glands with other glands.
Nearby deities no longer know stories.
Translated: Radmila Nastić